Lip gloss

Gently heat a tablespoon of jojoba oil and a tablespoon of almond oil over a warm water bath, then add a tablespoon of shea butter. To create a soft pink shimmering lip gloss, stir in a measuring spoon of pearlescent pigments or dissolve the rest of your favourite lipstick into the mixture. Pour the mixture into a jar and leave to cool in the fridge.

Lip balm

Put 10ml jojoba oil, 10ml olive oil and 10g shea butter in a bowl and heat the ingredients in a water bath. Add a teaspoon of maple syrup or agave syrup and two drops of essential oil (e.g. peppermint oil, lemon oil or tangerine oil). Mix everything carefully, fill into small jars and leave the mixture to cool in the refrigerator.

Natural Oils

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