Is there anything better than a freshly baked cake, smelling delicious in the oven, just waiting to be taken out and eaten? Probably not! And yet the cake in the oven is not a sure-fire success. For it to be successful and develop its full flavour, it is important that the correct cooking time is observed. Otherwise the pleasure can quickly turn into a disappointment.

It's a similar story with the anti-ageing miracle retinol. No, don't worry, retinol should of course not be prepared in the oven and is definitely not a treat for the palate. And yet, cake and retinol have something in common: they only unfold their full potential if the correct procedure is followed .

Retinol is currently one of the hottest ingredients in the anti-aging sector. However, this is not surprising. Retinol achieves fabulous results in practically all segments of sophisticated beauty care . For example, it ensures smooth, even skin by stimulating collagen synthesis , which plumps up the skin from the inside and makes wrinkles disappear. Retinol also effectively prevents the formation of new wrinkles by working deep into the skin. In addition,it regulates sebum production, which leads to a refinement of the pores. This makes it effective against skin impurities such as pimples and acne.

But this is not where it stops: Retinol has a strong skin-activating effect and stimulates both the regeneration and the new cell formation of the skin. Retinol thus makes a significant contribution to an even, fresh complexion and vital skin.


Once you have decided to take advantage of the multitude of benefits that retinol promises within your skincare routine, you want to enjoy its full potential. And that means following the right procedure for optimal use. Don't panic, you don't have to enrol at your local university and get a Master's degree in "Retinol Science". However, it is advisable to pay attention to a few very simple details so that you really benefit from the anti-ageing miracle that is retinol .

First of all, it stands to reason that such a high-performance ingredient as retinol naturally does a lot.Caution is advised whenusing it in general. Retinol Retinol has a strong skin-activating effect. That is why you should start with a small dose, especially if you have sensitive skin, and observe the reaction of your skin. Then you can slowly increase the dose until you find your sweet spot.

Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A. According to the German Nutrition Society, the required daily dose for vitamin A is about one milligram. The maximum daily dose should not exceed three milligrams. Vitamin A is already found in many foods. It is found in red, green and yellow fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, spinach, broccoli and apricots. But vitamin A is also found in eggs and dairy products. Accordingly, the probability is quite high that you already cover your daily requirement with the food you eat every day.

The additional supply of vitamin A via cosmetics should therefore be limited to face and hand care. Excessive use can lead to burning, itching and dryness of the skin due to the skin-activating effect. Within your skin care routine, you should therefore use retinol a maximum of three times a week.

When it comes to proper application, you always come across the recommendation, Retinol Serum exclusively in the evening before going to bed. There are several good reasons for this recommendation. Daylight reduces the effect potential of Retinol. It is therefore recommended to apply retinol when there is no daylight. The application shortly before going to bed is an obvious choice. In addition, retinol can have an optimal effect during sleep.

But there is another reason why you should only use retinol in the evening. And again, the light, or rather the non-existent light, plays the decisive role. Because the strongly skin-activating retinol stimulates the regeneration and new cell formation of the skin. During this process, the skin becomes more sensitive to light. By the way, this is also the reason why you should always apply a sunscreen with a sufficiently high sun protection factor in the morning after application. A sun protection factor of 50 is ideal here.

If you follow these simple tips for using retinol within your skin care routine, then you can really look forward to breathtaking results. And isn't this view just as tempting as the delicious smelling cake in the oven?

Bio Retinol

Highly concentrated vitamin A Bio Retinol ensures youthful, supple and plumped-up skin