In general, seven skin types can be distinguished, all of which benefit from different care measures.

  • Normal skin

    This skin type is totally uncomplicated, neither too dry / dehydrated, nor too oily. The pores are small, the acid mantle is intact, the skin shows a smooth, rosy surface. Sebum production, moisture content, cornification and desquamation are in balance.

    Of the natural oils, jojoba oil, rosehip oil and also argan oil are suitable for care. They give the skin what it needs to shine beautifully, but do not overprotect it.

  • Dry skin / sebostasis

    In sebostasis, the sebaceous glands are not active enough. The skin's oily protective film remains permanently too thin, it loses more and more moisture. This leads to dry skin with feelings of tension in those affected. It is often flaky, red, itchy and can become inflamed. The elasticity of the skin is limited, which is why wrinkles or deeper wrinkles form more quickly in dry skin than in people with oily skin.

    Sebostasis skin should always be well cared for - preferably with greasy and intensively moisturizing products. Natural cosmetics and natural oils are particularly recommended, as they do not contain any harmful artificial additives: Argan oil helps the skin retain moisture, gives it tone and vitality. It also helps with regeneration. Rosehip oil moisturizes the skin and fights itching due to its high content of essential fatty acids. Almond oil is rich in refatting substances and vitamins. It moisturizes the skin and relieves the feeling of tension.
    Jojoba oil is also very suitable for dry skin, as the valuable fatty acids make it supple, resistant and elastic.

  • Oily skin / seborrhoea oleosa:

    Oily" is the term used to describe skin with an increased production of sebum. It can be recognized by enlarged, clearly visible pores, blackheads, pustules, pimples or papules (elevations). In addition, it is usually very shiny. Due to hormonal shifts, seborrhea oleosa usually occurs during puberty. Genetic factors, stress, certain medications or cosmetic products that cause irritation to the user are also possible triggers for oily skin.
    This skin type also requires special care: gels and toners without alcohol can be used for cleansing. Exfoliation once a week (preferably without plastic beads, i.e. microplastics that are harmful to health and the environment) and oil-reducing masks, e.g. made of healing clay, refine the skin's appearance.

    The natural oils also help: Tea tree oil has proved particularly effective, as it has a drying and disinfecting effect. The affected skin areas should be dabbed with a cotton swab soaked in tea tree oil. The best way to do this is to apply it overnight.

  • Acne skin / acne vulgaris (also acne vulgaris)

    Acne vulgaris is the most common form of acne. It has nothing to do with uncleanliness, poor hygiene or a poor diet. Acne is, so to speak, a hypersensitivity reaction of the skin to sex hormones, the production of which begins with puberty. This causes the painful pimples, red pustules, papules and pus pimples. Acne, like oily skin, can be optimally treated with the naturally disinfecting tea tree oil .

  • Combination skin / seborrhea sicca

    Combination skin is the most common skin type. Here, two skin types come together - normal/dry and oily/unclean skin. Typical feature: The area of the forehead, nose and chin (T-zone) appears greasy and shiny, the skin in the cheek area is rather dry. You must take the different characteristics of the skin areas into account when caring for them, because the areas of oily skin must not be over-greased. On the other hand, the areas of dry skin need more moisture. Anti-inflammatory tea tree oil (please only apply locally!) and jojoba oil are also suitable for care here. It is moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and suitable for all skin types.

  • Sensitive skin

    Dry and sensitive skin are closely related. This is because, as with dry skin, moisture loss is high in the sensitive skin type. The epidermis is often too thin, making the skin more vulnerable. This is reflected in its reactions: Sensitive skin tends to dryness, redness, scales, rashes and swellings. Feelings of tension, burning, itching and tingling can also occur. Sun or cold stress them.

    To properly care for and support sensitive skin, you should use cosmetic products without fragrances, dyes and preservatives. Jojoba oil, whose valuable fatty acids make the skin supple and resistant without stressing it, is an excellent choice. In addition, it has a natural sun protection factor. Almond oil is also perfect for caring for sensitive skin: the vitamin E it contains promotes moisture retention. Calcium ensures a healthy skin layer.

  • Mature skin

    The structure of the various skin layers changes with age: they become thinner. Fat layers, collagen fibers and elastic fibers decrease. Blood circulation and the associated supply of oxygen and nutrients also decrease. The skin becomes drier, is more vulnerable and develops wrinkles.
    Natural cosmetics help here very well to keep the mature skin in good spirits. Argan oil is particularly effective: it is extremely nourishing, regenerating and moisturizing. It is perfect as an anti-aging agent.

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We hope we could help you with these care tips about your skin type.
By the way: If you don't quite know which type your skin belongs to, you can take an online test here: