Natural Oils

100% pure and sustainably produced Our valuable natural oils impress with their... 

You dream of long, shiny hair and thick eyelashes? Your skin could also be a little better, because it is currently dry or you suffer from pimples? You've already tried all sorts of things, but nothing has really worked for you? Then it's time for castor oil! Castor oil is absolutely natural and delivers incredible results. Our castor oil is organic and comes to you in its purest form - for maximum effect without any questionable or harmful ingredients.

  • Skin

    Since castor oil stimulates collagen production , it prevents premature aging of the skin .


    Thanks to its anti-inflammatory active ingredients, it is the ideal choice for acne, but also for neurodermatitis.


    Castor oil also has a positive effect on skin irritations and redness .

  • Hair, eyebrows and eyelashes

    Castor oil has a special effect on the hair. It stimulates hair growth and provides full, shiny hair.


    Therefore, it is also perfect for eyelashes and eyebrows. Used regularly, castor oil can naturally thicken and lengthen your lashes - a real alternative to lash extensions!

  • Nails

    Another plus why you should buy castor oil : castor oil strengthens brittle nails and softens the appearance of scars. However, to benefit from the advantages to the maximum, you should only buy organic castor oil . Organic castor oil cold pressed guarantees you a great effect, but does not burden your body with harmful ingredients.

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  • The right application for the skin

    Castor oil for the skin is best applied by mixing it with another oil . Well suited for the application are almond oil or coconut oil. Mix one third of castor oil with two thirds of another nourishing oil. Under no circumstances should you use castor oil alone, as this may dry out your skin even more.

    The drying properties of castor oil are beneficial in the treatment of pimples: Here you can apply the castor oil directly to the affected areas. If you want to use castor oil to treat wrinkles, it is best to mix it with a nourishing oil and apply the mixture once or twice a week as a face mask. Leave it on for about 30 minutes and then remove the mixture with a damp, warm washcloth.

  • The correct application for the eyebrows, eyelashes and hair

    To use castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows , apply the oil to cleansed eyelashes and eyebrows with a spiral brush at night before going to bed. Does castor oil make eyelashes grow? And how! Numerous influencers share this secret tip with their followers.

    Castor oil for hair is good to use as a nourishing mask. Warm the castor oil in a water bath so that you can distribute it more easily. Then massage it into your scalp and comb it into the lengths. It is best to leave it on overnight and wash it out in the morning. Place a towel on your pillow for protection. For extra care, you can also add a few drops of castor oil to your conditioner each time. A few drops of castor oil are also the perfect hair tip care. Go here but very sparingly.

  • The right application for the nails

    Brittle fingernails and cuticles are a thing of the past thanks to castor oil . If you care for your nails and cuticles regularly with Castor oil you will soon enjoy strong nails and healthy skin. Apply a little castor oil to the nails and cuticles with a cotton pad. You can give your nails special care if you put some castor oil in a water bath and immerse your fingers in it for a few minutes. You can then massage the excess oil into your skin.

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What makes a good castor oil?

The best choice is a castor oil cold pressed organic. Cold pressed castor oil is of higher quality. The manufacturing process ensures that cold-pressed castor oil no longer contains ricin, which is toxic. In addition, cold pressing better preserves the valuable ingredients, which guarantees you the best results when using it.

Satin Naturel Castor Oil is a high quality organic product from India, which is suitable for all skin and hair types. It is absolutely natural. It comes to you in a violet glass, which guarantees optimal storage. The light-filtering properties of the glass prevent premature deterioration of vitamins and nutrients and allow storage without preservatives.