100,000 km - the magic number! This number is often used as a rough guideline, above which you should think carefully about possibly putting your vehicle up for sale. Because from this mileage onwards, the first major repairs can be expected, which can then be a painful burden on the wallet. If one considers the development of technology and other relevant factors, such as differences in makes or also in the type of vehicle use, the 100,000 km limit is probably above all a psychological limit. But the underlying consideration makes perfect sense: Increasing age is accompanied by increased maintenance requirements.

It is similar with our skin. Of course, this does not mean that you should now offer all your acquaintances who are over 40 years old for sale on eBay. And no, wrenches and wheel spiders are of little help here. But similar to the vehicle, the need for care of our skin increases with age. This is due to the fact that the performance of the skin decreases with age: Collagen, which practically forms the scaffolding over which our skin stretches, is produced to a lesser extent. Accordingly, the scaffolding is less stable and the elasticity decreases. The skin's ability to retain moisture also diminishes, resulting in dry skin and less elasticity. But here's the good news: just as an older car can still look like new with good care, with the right care you can keep your skin looking youthful beyond 40.

From 40 with pleasure richer

Your skin changes over the years. In addition to the decreasing production of collagen and the reduced potential to store moisture, the connective tissue also becomes weaker and the elasticity of the skin decreases. Overall, the skin loses its suppleness. This is why it is so important to adapt one's own skin care habits to the changing conditions in order to avoid wrinkles and dry skin. Sufficient moisture is particularly important.
You can effectively moisturize your skin with a rich cream. Ideally, you should use a cream with hyaluronic acid. Because the legendary anti-aging hero has an almost unbelievable moisturizing potential. One gram of hyaluronic acid binds up to 6 liters of water.

Multimolecular hyaluronic acid = Win - Win

Hyaluronic Cream ensures that your skin is plumped up in the upper skin layers with an immediate effect, small wrinkles disappear directly and the skin appears plump and vital. By choosing the right cream, you can even optimize the moisturizing effect: Just make sure that the cream contains multimolecular Hyaluronic acid is contained in the cream. Because with this, in addition to the already mentioned immediate effect, there is also a deep effect for longer-lasting moisture.

How the deep effect is achieved? Quite simply: high-molecular Hyaluronic acid has a higher molecular weight and, simply put, larger molecules. These provide optimal moisturization in the upper layers of the skin. However, high-molecular hyaluronic acid cannot penetrate the deeper layers of the skin. Multimolecular hyaluronic acid also contains low-molecular hyaluronic acid. Due to its lower molecular weight and smaller molecules, low-molecular hyaluronic acid also penetrates into the deeper skin layers and fills the moisture depots located there. Thus, low-molecular hyaluronic acid with the deep or depot effect provides long-lasting moisture, which is particularly beneficial for mature skin.

With multimolecular hyaluronic acid you get both the directly visible instant effect that makes your skin look plump and vital and at the same time gives it long-lasting moisture.

Retinol for an even complexion

Aging is accompanied by pigmentation and age spots. And when skin impurities such as pimples and blackheads are added to the mix, the complexion is quickly a long way from the desired evenness. But here, too, effective help is not far away. With a retinol cream you can help your complexion to become smoother and more even. Because Retinol has a strong skin-activating effect and refines the skin's appearance by stimulating cell regeneration and the formation of new cells. In this way, the skin is renewed from within. At the same time Retinol reduces pigmentation and age spots as well as pimples, blackheads and other skin impurities. In addition, it stimulates collagen synthesis in the deeper layers of the skin, which strengthens the skin's structure. This is the best way to use retinol.

Eyes open - sensitive skin!

One fact that is often overlooked is the fact that facial skin is not the same everywhere. The skin around the eyes is up to ten times thinner than other parts of the face. In addition, the skin here lacks sebaceous glands or collagen and elastin fibers. Accordingly, this area is very vulnerable, especially with regard to a lack of moisture.
The remedy here is special Eye creamswhich provide intensive care for the sensitive eye area and effectively combat dark circles and puffy eyelids. Ideally, you should also choose a product with hyaluronic acid for your eye cream , as the miracle ingredient can unfold its remarkable anti-aging potential, especially in the highly sensitive skin around the eyes.

Our tip: With the Organic Hyaluronic Acid Cream, the Organic Retinol Cream and the Organic Eye Cream by Satin Naturel, you not only rely on the outstanding anti-aging properties of hyaluronic acid and retinol, but also receive a rich nutrient plus with many additional vitamins and minerals with the product formulation based on organic aloe vera. This means that even beyond the age of 40 you will not panic, but will convince with an even and vital radiant complexion.